How To Be Successful: The Seven C’s Of Success

I recently read a “quote” by Tom Morris on the Seven C’s of Success and I’d like to share it with you. Below are the seven C’s, what Tom has to say about each one, and what I believe each C represents.

The Seven Cs of Success

  1. CONCEPTION: A clear vision of what we want; a goal clearly imagined. The sky’s the limit, so do not be afraid to dream BIG! 
  2. CONFIDENCE: A strong confidence that we can attain the goal. Yes – you CAN do it!
  3. CONCENTRATION: Focus on what it takes to reach the goal. Stay focused and kick procrastination to the curb.
  4. CONSISTENCY: Be consistent in pursuing your vision. Not only that, be consistent in your actions.
  5. COMMITMENT: Be committed to the importance of what you are doing. The moment your commitment falters is the moment your success may falter as well.
  6. CHARACTER: A good character to guide us and keep us on the proper course. Think, do, and speak positivity both in business and in life.
  7. CAPACITY: A capacity to enjoy the process along the way and love what you are doing!

Bonus C (from yours truly):

CREATIVITY: Don’t be afraid to try something new and step outside of the box. Get creative! Sometimes, especially with marketing, creativity is a blessing; Creativity keeps ideas fresh and new content is key.

Do you have a “C” you’d like to add to the list?