How Does A Blog Help My Business?

In last weeks post we explained what a blog is. For today’s post, we’re going to dive deeper and explain just how a blog helps your business.

First, let’s focus on how blogs help you find customers: The big wolf search engines LOVE to gobble up your text, and blogs are a fantastic way to give them new and unique “treats” to ingest. The more unique and flavorful the “treat,” the more popular it becomes. This new found popularity helps you even further, bringing more and more people to your site. Slowly, with the help of the popularity, unique treats, and big wolf search engines,  your blog reaches page number 1, now making it even easier for your customers to find you!

** In summary: All of that happened just because you wrote unique content on a specific topic (or keyword) that caught the attention of fans, and that popularity and unique content prompted Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. to move you to the top of the page.

Next, let’s focus on how blogs bring you reoccurring attention: When you continue to provide your fan base with new and unique treats *regularly* you quickly become the hotspot that they want to frequent. Now, your fan base opts in to your “menu,” grabs that frequent flyers pass, rants and raves to friends about the chef, and eagerly awaits the next treat you’ll provide them.

** In summary: By providing your users with unique and engaging content regularly (important to note – regularly), you build a community of followers who now consider you an “expert” in a specific topic. Because of this, they’re more likely to opt in to your newsletter (“menu”), subscribe to your blog, pass your information along to others, and become a frequent visitor every time you post something new.

There you have it! Start writing today and be found tomorrow!

Have a great day!

Aly Sanger
Writer, Mentor, Consultant